Sophie has a circus in her mind. And it’s something she’s struggling to control.
Come along with Sophie as she attempts to tame the angry lion, celebrates the success of the strong man, is amazed by the cleverness of the magician and tries to ignore the tightrope (which she knows she’s going to have to try eventually.)
Using the circus as an analogy for mental health, wellbeing and how our brains work, the performance gives children a wonderful theatrical experience whilst exploring sensitive topics in a creative and age-appropriate way.
I thought the way it was set up was really engaging for children and they were really close to the stage. I liked how you were able to include children in the performance – joining in with some exercises, breathing techniques, stroking the lion etc. Clear messages of how children may feel and ways they can support their mental health.
The performance was amazing. The story was great, the actors were really funny and the children loved the action and jokes. The children have been learning about growth mind set, so the performance really supported this. The children were thoroughly engaged. You are always very professional when you come, and I have to say very easy to work with in school and when organising a visit.
Sophie’s Circus was engaging and well-pitched for KS1. The workshop allowed learners to explore the 5 ways to wellbeing practically in a way they remember. Very friendly staff! I would recommend to other schools