Home Touring Productions Mental health Sunflowers & Stormy Days

Sunflowers & Stormy Days

A new performance for 2025, using the garden as a metaphor for mental health and helping your youngest pupils explore feelings, emotions and wellbeing.

Sunflowers and Stormy Days links directly into the theme for Children's Mental Health Week 2025 which is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself' and the performances is accompanied by a workshop and resource pack of activities for further work back in class.

Available in February & April-May 2025
Home Touring Productions Mental health Sunflowers & Stormy Days
Sunflowers and Stormy Days is a performance for children in Years R - 2.

It has been specifically designed for children in this age group, as they develop an understanding of their feelings and emotions and begin to understand how to handle them.

'One upon a time, two gnomes lived next door to each other. Their names were Blossom and Sprocket.'  Blossom and Sprocket love their gardens - but it's important to take care of a garden, just like we need to take care of ourselves.  Gardens need regular watering, plenty of sunshine, a bit of pruning and lots of love.  What do humans need to flourish and grow? 

This production will help children learn about the 5 ways to wellbeing, whilst having fun and going on a journey with our new, lovable characters. 

The production explores:

The 5 ways to wellbeing for children.

Resilience and the ability to come back when things don't go as planned.

How to look after your mental and physical health in tandem.

Anger and how to manage it.

The impact our kindness and support can have on others.

Simple strategies to support wellbeing. 

Interested in booking a performance of Sunflowers and Stormy Days ?

If you would like to book Sunflowers and Stormy Days for your school please contact Dan Costello, our General Manager.

Dan Costello | [email protected] | 0151 443 0333


“The performance was fantastic, engaging from the outset with important messages and strategies shared in an age appropriate way. The children were absolutely glued to it. We loved it all and look forward to having Altru back in school again soon!”

South Failsworth Primary School